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A New Year, a new decade, a fresh start!

Here we go! 2020…Now, we're already in the month of March! I reflect on the past 10 years --- full of experiences and lessons-learned. Now, on with a new start!

" Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."

2 Corinthians 5:17

One lesson learned: Don't bite-off more than you can chew.

I've always wanted to live on the second floor of the big old house, where I had a lovely, first-floor apartment. But, even though my first-floor apartment was easy to access, had a big, living-room window, & quite lovely, I wanted more!

You see, the second-floor apartment had a balcony and it had a hall-window that overlooked the street, so that I could see down the street for blocks. Yes, that's the one I wanted...never stopping to consider having to climb stairs two or three times a day...sometimes with books, or bags or groceries.

So when the second-floor apartment became available, I applied for it, and got it! Now, I had to climb 19 stairs every evening, after a long day at work, and many times on the weekend.

Sometimes, we have everything we need, but yet want more. Why? I'm not sure about the answer to that, but what I do know with certainty, is that when I'm blessed with something that works well, that is the time to be grateful, ease into it, and make it work even better.

Since moving into the upstairs-apartment, I've fallen twice, and deal with arthritis and inflammation because of the injuries that (healed, but) left their impression on my bones. I researched products to ease the pain naturally, & adjusted my schedule to allow time for exercise, and time for the careful preparation of my meals, which are restrictive to salt, sugar and certain foods that cause further inflammation.

Another Lesson learned: The value of making a mistake, is Learning from it!

I am determined to grow each day, learning from my past mistakes, and looking forward to learning more.

Now that a new decade has begun, a New Chance to Improve in all areas of my life, has also begun: First, with my health, next with my relationships & emotions, and finally, with my finances.

I'm excited about the next 10 years, simply because the anticipation of Receiving the Good for my life, has me "pumped and ready to go!" So,

Let's go!

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